Love-sensation in the ghazals of Kunwar Bechain

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Shobhit Kumar
Prof. Alok Mishra


Love is the most tender and personal emotion of a person's mind, which is not limited to humans only, but is also present in all the living beings of this world. In love, the depth of personality and the feeling of dedication towards others is clearly visible. The basic tone of the ghazal has been about romance, in which the permanent emotion of romance is 'rati' i.e. love. According to Dr. Kunwar Bechain, the origin of the ghazal is influenced by the tradition of Arabic poets, in which the initial qasidas were full of romance. Love has two forms - worldly and transcendental, but mainly worldly love is expressed in ghazals. Both the aspects of love, union and separation, are visible in the works of Hindi ghazal writers. In Kunwar Bechain's ghazals, the poignant pictures of love caused by separation are more effective. In the expression of love in his ghazals, one experiences pure sattvikta, sublimity, and depth. The nature of his love is not luxurious and materialistic like that of the poets of the Ritikal period, but is reflected as an eternal and essential requirement of life.


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How to Cite
Love-sensation in the ghazals of Kunwar Bechain. (2024). Integral Research , 1(6), 19-25.

How to Cite

Love-sensation in the ghazals of Kunwar Bechain. (2024). Integral Research , 1(6), 19-25.