Manuscript Preparation:

All manuscripts must adhere to the following guidelines for formatting the text:

Title: The title of the manuscript should be concise, specific, and informative, presented in 14-point font size using capital letters.

Authors: Author names should be listed in capital letters using 10-point font size.

Affiliation: Affiliations should include the institution where the research was conducted, accompanied by the corresponding author's email address for communication purposes. Affiliations should also be presented in capital letters using 10-point font size.

Abstract: The abstract should be succinct, highlighting key points and significant conclusions, and should not exceed 250 words, excluding references.

Keywords: Following the abstract, provide up to eight keywords that accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.

Text: The main body of the manuscript should be double-spaced and set in 12-point font size with 1-inch margins on all sides. It should be divided into sections including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References. Mathematical and chemical symbols, as well as equations, should be appropriately identified within the text. Only standard international units should be used.

Introduction: The introduction should be concise and focused, avoiding excessive detail on previous research.

Materials and Methods: This section should include detailed descriptions of materials and experimental techniques employed. Citations to standard methodologies suffice for well-established procedures.

Results and Discussion: Results should be presented succinctly, with accompanying tables, graphs, or photographs as necessary. Discussion should interpret the findings and provide context, avoiding repetition of results.

Tables: Tables should be concise, placed on separate sheets, numbered with Arabic numerals, and cited within the text.

Figures: Figures, including diagrams, graphs, and photographs, should be sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals and accompanied by detailed captions. Original drawings should be made in black ink on high-quality paper, and photographs should be clear, well-contrasted, and glossy prints.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments should be placed before the references and should be brief and selective.

References: References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript without serial numbers. In-text citations should follow the format of author surnames followed by the year of publication.

For further details regarding reference formatting, please refer to the examples provided below for various types of sources, including research papers, books, theses, conference proceedings, edited books, short communications, and review articles.

Proofs and Reprints:

Minor page proofreading will be conducted by the journal's editorial board and sent to the corresponding author if necessary. Reprints may be ordered upon payment at the time of acceptance.

Rights and Permissions:

The Society for Academics and Extension and Editors assume no responsibility for statements and opinions expressed by authors. Reproduction of any part of Knowledgeable Research requires written permission from the Chief Editor. The copyright of articles and reviews is automatically assigned to Knowledgeable Research. The editor reserves the right to make alterations to contributions for space limitations or conformity of style. Disputes will be settled by the Courts in Bareilly.

A declaration certificate must be provided by the corresponding author upon manuscript submission.