इक्कीसवीं सदी की संस्कृत कविताओं में सामाजिक यथार्थ (Social reality in Sanskrit poems of the twenty-first century)


  • Arun Kumar Nishad Author


Literature, Artistic Notation, Realism, Expressionism, Sholokhov


Literature has been called an artistic depiction (picture) of human life and the vast world around it, because it provides a comprehensive life-picture of society and the unit of society (man). Society and literature complement each other. Both exist because of each other. A writer observes the society around him minutely, feels it and when that feeling matures, he gives it a form. The writer depicts the contemporary society in his works. The reality of society can be depicted in many forms. In this way, many forms of reality can be depicted in literature. Literature and society complement each other. Literature will be like the society. This has been proved by the Sanskrit poets of the twenty-first century.




How to Cite

इक्कीसवीं सदी की संस्कृत कविताओं में सामाजिक यथार्थ (Social reality in Sanskrit poems of the twenty-first century). (2024). Integral Research , 1(3), 29-34. https://integralresearch.in/index.php/1/article/view/20