Inhabiting Position of Mainstream and Alternative Theories in Global Environmental Politics

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Modupe Albert


Global environmental politics (GEP) is a field of study that combines environmental policies and politics with their real-world implementation. While the traditional view of politics typically centers on the actions of governments and established political figures, non-traditional participants like civil society organizations that are often organized online are becoming increasingly significant in environmental politics across all levels. This paper posits that the contemporary view of GEP dwells so much on theoretical research to the determent of examining the practical application of the field: inquiries into GEP often intersect with practice and crucially can inform those in the field; scholars in this field have the option of applying their knowledge to engage in advocacy, enter the business sector, or hold positions in government. This paper explores an historical perspective GEP as a field of study, illustrating its transition from being largely about international environmental collaboration to a more interdisciplinary approach that encompasses a myriad of environment-related political and policy activities without losing its focus on international relations. This evolution is demonstrated through an extensive literature review. The paper assesses and critiques all significant theoretical frameworks as well as several lesser-known theoretical approaches employed to study and understand GEP. The focus is placed on prominent theories such as realism and rationalism, which may not consistently align with realistic or rational perspectives. These theories have been widely adopted by both scholars and practitioners to explain the international dynamics surrounding environmental issues. Additionally, the paper examines alternative theories that challenge traditional views, including constructivism and Marxism. These opposing perspectives often aim to highlight that ideas can hold as much importance in GEP as the actions of actual states.


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How to Cite
Inhabiting Position of Mainstream and Alternative Theories in Global Environmental Politics. (2025). Integral Research , 2(2), 230-288.

How to Cite

Inhabiting Position of Mainstream and Alternative Theories in Global Environmental Politics. (2025). Integral Research , 2(2), 230-288.