Literature and Society in Nigeria: Engaging Cultural Policy for Effective Management

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Osedebamen David Oamen
Prof. F. O. Osekhale
Prof. Eunice Omozejie


This study is on literature and society in Nigeria and the need to engage cultural policy for its effective management. It examines the potency of the cultural policy of Nigeria in strengthening the social, economic, and cultural value of literature in the development of society. Cultural policy, being government instrument of cultural management, becomes important in deepening the social importance of literature within ethnic nationalities in Africa whose tradition birthed the author and his or her creative work.  It emphasized cultural policy power to promote the use of African or Nigeria indigenous languages for literary benefits and development. The research method is an analytical approach towards engaging indigenous language in African or Nigerian literature. It concluded that literature would do best in Nigerian society if cultural policy is enabled to contribute to the management of its practice and advance the fortune of literary artists with intent promote indigenous language benefits in Nigerian.


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How to Cite
Literature and Society in Nigeria: Engaging Cultural Policy for Effective Management. (2024). Integral Research , 1(7), 178-190.

How to Cite

Literature and Society in Nigeria: Engaging Cultural Policy for Effective Management. (2024). Integral Research , 1(7), 178-190.