Assessing the Effects of Medical Brain Drain on the Nigerian Healthcare Sector among Residents of Jos, Plateau States, Nigeria

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Bernard Diesuk Lucas


The study explored the effects of loss of medical talents on the Nigerian health industry among residents of Jos, Plateau States, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives of the investigation are to find out the root causes of medical brain drain, effects, and challenges of brain exodus in the Nigerian health sector. The study adopted the mixed research approach. Quantitative survey and key informant interviews were adopted to collect data from 256 respondents through purposive sampling technique. Findings showed that the poor state of facilities in the country’s healthcare system is a push factor for health practitioners to leave Nigeria. Specifically, the study revealed that the causes of medical brain drain include inadequate and poor service delivery, ineffectiveness of the policy/regulatory measures put in place, insecurity, corruption, deplorable state of medical facilities and equipment in the country and poor remuneration as well as non-payment of salaries/non implementation of new salaries pronouncement by government. Further, the study revealed that the movement of medical practitioners out of Nigeria is causing the country huge financial losses and slow advancement in the country’s healthcare system. It was recommended among others that there should be a multi-stakeholders approach in dealing with medical brain drain issues in Nigeria.


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How to Cite
Assessing the Effects of Medical Brain Drain on the Nigerian Healthcare Sector among Residents of Jos, Plateau States, Nigeria. (2025). Integral Research , 2(2), 33-51.

How to Cite

Assessing the Effects of Medical Brain Drain on the Nigerian Healthcare Sector among Residents of Jos, Plateau States, Nigeria. (2025). Integral Research , 2(2), 33-51.