An Overview of Innovation Management in Technological Companies in India

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Vijai Tiwari


In today’s dynamic market, innovation must become a continuous process—not a one-off event. The goal is to innovate in a structured way to gain maximum value—at pace and scale. This requires closing any agility gaps and implementing innovations quickly across the enterprise at scale. Many organizations, however, face challenges in moving past the prototypes and scaling their ideas to achieve fast and lasting results. Innovation is part and parcel of every business sector, supplementing the growth of the Indian economy. The increasing innovation trend has led companies to pay heed to leading-edge practices in organizational set-up. This research paper aspires to identify factors driving innovation in diverse sectors, articulate the materiality of innovation management for deep-rooted endurance of companies in the target market, and pinpoint different types of innovations catered by Indian Companies in unfamiliar sectors.


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How to Cite
An Overview of Innovation Management in Technological Companies in India. (2024). Integral Research , 1(6), 40-47.

How to Cite

An Overview of Innovation Management in Technological Companies in India. (2024). Integral Research , 1(6), 40-47.