Reimagining Myth and Identity: The Feminist Subtext in Tagore’s Retelling of Chitrangada

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Reshu Shukla


This research focuses on the feminist subtext in Rabindranath Tagore’s Chitrangada, an original reworking of a Mahabharata tale. The paper uses a feminist lens to examine how Tagore reimagines the figure of Chitrangada, a warrior princess, by challenging traditional gender norms and patriarchal structures. Tagore’s depiction of Chitrangada as a complex heroine who symbolizes both strength and vulnerability is a critical rethinking of female identity in traditional mythology. By examining the story structure, character development, and thematic aspects, the study reveals Tagore’s progressive approach to gender dynamics and contribution to feminist debate. This study tries to illustrate how the play Chitrangada subverts standard portrayals of women, pushing for a more egalitarian representation in literature and underlining the value of Tagore’s work in contemporary gender studies.


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Reimagining Myth and Identity: The Feminist Subtext in Tagore’s Retelling of Chitrangada. (2024). Integral Research , 1(6), 26-39.

How to Cite

Reimagining Myth and Identity: The Feminist Subtext in Tagore’s Retelling of Chitrangada. (2024). Integral Research , 1(6), 26-39.