Lessons from Felix Guattari’s The Three Ecologies (1989): Ecosophy in An Anthropocene World

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Meeraz Hoque


In his seminal text The Three Ecologies (1989), Felix Guattari, warns us about the dangers of Post-industrial capitalism, or what he terms Integrated World Capitalism (IWC).  IWC is so pervasive that it is impossible to locate its origin and identify the source of its power. He argues that human beings are being manipulates by the production of a mass-media subjectivity and to combat that there might be the need of a “mental ecology”. Guattari contends that IWC is engaged not only in environmental devastation, but also in clever recalibration of people’s attitudes. The mass-media becomes the IWC’c ideological arm.  Ecosophy in Guattari’s terminology refers to a philosophy of ecological harmony and equilibrium; establishment of which is necessary in the Anthropocene, an epoch marked unabashed industrial exploitation of the world and its finite resources. In an era of Global Boiling (as characterized by United Nations Secretary), Guattari’s view that capitalism will always be parasitic and not symbiotic is potent reminder to grow more conscious about ecological preservation. The Three Ecologies doesn’t offer easy solutions, because they don’t exist, and devotes its energy towards a critique of late 20th  century capitalism. Philosophical moorings aside, Guattari’s The Three Ecologies can foster spirits of radical activism and it shines forth as luminary text for our troubled times, one that is still relevant and prophetic.


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How to Cite
Lessons from Felix Guattari’s The Three Ecologies (1989): Ecosophy in An Anthropocene World. (2025). Integral Research , 2(1), 36-46. https://integralresearch.in/index.php/1/article/view/162

How to Cite

Lessons from Felix Guattari’s The Three Ecologies (1989): Ecosophy in An Anthropocene World. (2025). Integral Research , 2(1), 36-46. https://integralresearch.in/index.php/1/article/view/162