Caring but Brutal: The Irony of Religious Fanaticism in Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus
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A deconstructionist evaluation of the character of Eugene Achike in Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus reveals him as a violator of certain fundamental scriptural tenets as enunciated in the Bible, rather than a quintessential scripture believer and adherent which he usually prefers to present himself to be. The Bible which contains sixty-six books, beginning from Genesis to Revelation, is profoundly and generally referred to as the inspired as well as the inspiring word of God by Christians irrespective of denomination. Having often read and referred to the Bible, one would have expected Eugene to abide by its codes. But this is not actually the situation. Contrary to biblical injunctions, Eugene brutalizes his wife and children; he makes them live in perpetual fear and anxiety rather than being a pillar of succor and support as expected of a Christian husband and father. Eugene’s domestic despotism and terrorism is first signified in his conversion of a missal to a missile which he thoughtlessly targets at his only son Jaja to crush him. Also, he does not really carter for his age-stricken father, Papa-Nnukwu even when the man is sick, despite his stupendous wealth and large-scale philanthropic gestures to various individuals and organizations. He does not visit his father nor allow him to visit him in his palatial residences. He does not greet him. Simply put, Eugene has no regard for his father, contrary to the biblical injunction: “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12, New King James Version). After evaluating these attitudes and propensities with clear biblical injunctions, the study posits that Eugene’s acclaimed devotion to the Christian faith is at most superficial, self-serving and even hypocritical.
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